CIRC Partner Prof. Clive Bramham


Prof. Clive Bramham





Team Name: ‘Neuroscience research group’

Link to team page:

Institute: Department of Biomedicine and KG Jebsen Centre for Neuropsychiatric Disorders, University of Bergen, Norway

Address: Jonas Lies vei 91, 5009 Bergen. Norway

Description of research

The research focus of the lab is on the cell biological and molecular mechanisms that control long-term synaptic plasticity, and the dysregulation of these mechanisms in cognitive disorders. Recent work has addressed 1) the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) as a trigger for transcription and translation-dependent synaptic plasticity, 2) the synthesis and function of activity-regulated cytoskeleton associated protein (Arc), as a master regulator of synaptic plasticity, and 3) regulation of the function non-coding RNAs in synaptic plasticity. bramham-s-team

Research to be done in the context of Circprot

Research in CircProt aims to elucidate alterations on BDNF-TrkB coupling to Arc in the context of AD and HD models. We are particularly interested in alterations of Arc synthesis and changes in Arc protein-protein interactions in vivo.

kg-jebsen-center-for-neuropsychiatric-disorders university-bergen_ori


Key publications

Bramham, C.R., Jensen, K, and Proud, CG. (2016) Tuning specific translation in cancer metastasis and synaptic memory: control at the MNK-eIF4E axis. Trends in Biochem Sci.

Kuipers, S., Trentani, A., Tiron, A, Mao, X., Kuhl, D., and Bramham, C.R. (2016) BDNF-induced LTP is associated with rapid Arc-dependent enhancement in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Scientific Reports, doi: 10.1038/srep21222.

Myrum,C., Baumann, A., Bustad, H.J., Flydal, M.I., Mariaule,V., Alvira, S., Cuéllar, J., Soulé, J., Valpuesta J.M., Márquez, J.A., Martinez, A., and Bramham,C.R. (2015) Arc is a flexible modular protein capable of reversible self-oligomerization. Biochem J., 468, 145-158.

Panja, D., Kenney, J.W., D’Andrea, L., Zalfa, F., Vedeler, A., Wibrand, K., Fukunaga, R., Bagni, C., Proud, C.G., and Bramham, C.R. (2014) Two-stage translational control of dentate gyrus LTP consolidation is mediated by sustained BDNF-TrkB signaling to MNK. Published Nov 6. Cell Reports 9, 1430–1445.

Panja, D., and Bramham, C. R. (2014). BDNF mechanisms in late LTP formation: a synthesis and breakdown. Neuropharmacology, 76: 664-676

Links to Norwegian articles on project:


Letzte Änderung: 09.01.2025 - Ansprechpartner:

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