

Elhabbari K, Sireci S, Rothermel M, Brunert D. Olfactory deficits in aging and Alzheimer’s – Spotlight on inhibitory interneurons. Front. Neurosci. 18:1503069. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2024.1503069  PMID: 39737436

Beiersdorfer A, Rothermel M,  Lohr C. Human olfaction: odour coding and cross-modal concept representation in single olfactory cortex neurons. Sig Transduct Target Ther 9, 333 (2024).  PMID: 39604387



Brunert D, Medinaceli Quintela R, Rothermel M. The anterior olfactory nucleus revisited - An emerging role for neuropathological conditions? Prog Neurobiol. (2023) PMID: 37343762.

Alhaskir M, Bauer J, Linke F, Schriewer E, Weber Y, Wolking S, Röhrig R, Rothermel M, Koch H, Kutafina E. Spectral Fusion of Heartbeat and Accelerometer Data for Estimation of Breathing Rate in Wearable Patches. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2023 May 18;302:1025-1026. PMID: 37203571.

Arias N, Panuccio G, Rothermel M. Editorial: New Challenges and Future Perspectives in Cellular Neuroscience Front. Cell. Neurosci. (2023). PMID: 36761352

Bauer J, Devinsky O, Rothermel M, Koch H. Autonomic dysfunction in epilepsy mouse models with implications for SUDEP research. Front. Neurol. (2023). PMID: 36686527



de Hoz L, Busse L, Hechavarria J, Groh A, Rothermel M. SPP2411: ‘Sensing LOOPS: cortico-subcortical interactions for adaptive sensing'. Neuroforum (2022).

Medinaceli Quintela R, Brunert D, Rothermel M. Functional role of the anterior olfactory nucleus in sensory information processing. Neuroforum (2022).

Helfenstein C, Strupf M, Stefke A, Fraunberger B, Renner B, Suchantke I, Rothermel M, Messlinger K, DeCol R, Namer B. Cyclic changes of sensory parameters in migraine patients. Cephalalgia (2022).; PMID: 35514204 



Srikantharajah K, Medinaceli Quintela R, Doerenkamp K, Kampa BM, Musall S, Rothermel M, Offenhaeusser A. Minimally-invasive insertion strategy and in vivo evaluation of multi-shank compliant intracortical probes. Scientific Reports (2021).; PMID: 34556704

Chamero P, Short SM, McIntyre JC, Meeks JP, Rothermel M. Bottom-up and Top-down: Molecules and Circuits that Underlie Chemosensory Behaviors. Front. Cell. Neurosci. (2021).; PMID: 34483845

Heinrichs B, Liu B, Zhang J, Meents JE, Le K, Erickson A, Hautvast P, Zhu X, Li N, Liu Y, Spehr M, Habel U, Rothermel M, Namer B, Zhang X, Lampert A, Duan G. The potential effect of Nav1.8 in autism spectrum disorder: Evidence from a congenital case with compound heterozygous SCN10A mutations. Front. Mol. Neurosci. (2021).; PMID: 34385907

Le Cann K, Foerster A, Rösseler C, Erickson A, Hautvast P, Giesselmann S, Pensold D, Kurth I, Rothermel M, Mattis VB, Zimmer-Bensch G, von Hörsten S, Denecke B, Clarner T, Meents J, Lampert A. The difficulty to model Huntington’s Disease in vitro using striatal Medium Spiny Neurons differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Scientific Reports (2021).; PMID: 33767215

Le Cann K, Meents J, Bhagavath Eswaran VS, Dohrn MF, Maier A, Bialer M, Bott R, Hautvast P, Erickson A, Rolke R, Rothermel M, Körner J, Kurth I, Lampert A. Assessing the impact of pain-linked Nav1.7 variants: an example of two variants with no biophysical effect. Channels (2021).; PMID: 33487118

Brunert D, Rothermel M. Extrinsic neuromodulation in the rodent olfactory bulb. Cell Tissue Res (2021).; PMID: 33355709



Medinaceli Quintela R, Bauer J, Wallhorn L, Le K, Brunert D, Rothermel M. Dynamic impairment of olfactory behavior and signaling mediated by an olfactory corticofugal system. J Neurosci.  (2020);; PMID: 32817250

Böhm E, Brunert D, Rothermel M. Input dependent modulation of olfactory bulb activity by HDB GABAergic projections. Scientific Reports ,10, 10696 (2020).; PMID: 32612119

An N, Bassil K, Al Jowf GI, Steinbusch HWM, Rothermel M, de Nijs L, Rutten BPF. Dual-Specificity Phosphatases in Mental and Neurological Disorders. Progress in Neurobiology (2020).; PMID: 32905807

Jo HG, Wudarczyk O, Leclerc M, Regenbogen C, Lampert A, Rothermel M, Habel U. Effect of odor pleasantness on heat-induced pain: An fMRI study. Brain Imaging and Behavior (2020).; PMID: 32770446

Brunert D, Rothermel M. Cortical multisensory integration-a special role of the agranular insular cortex? Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol. (2020).; PMID: 32458084

Paß T, Aßfalg M, Tolve M, Blaess S, Rothermel M, Wiesner RJ, Ricke KM. The Impact of Mitochondrial Dysfunction on Dopaminergic Neurons in the Olfactory Bulb and Odor Detection. Mol. Neurobiol. (2020).; PMID: 32564285

Tsitoura C, Malinowski ST, Mohrhardt J, Degen R, DiBenedictis BT, Gao Y, Watznauer K, Gerhold K, Nagel M, Weber M, Rothermel M, Hanganu-Opatz IL, Ben-Shaul Y, Davison IG, Spehr M. Synchronous Infra-Slow Oscillations Organize Ensembles of Accessory Olfactory Bulb Projection Neurons into Distinct Microcircuits. J Neurosci. (2020); 40(21):4203-4218.; PMID: 32312886



Brunert D, Rothermel M. Neuromodulation of early sensory processing in the olfactory system. Neuroforum (2019); 25(1).



McIntyre JC, Thiebaud N, McGann JP, Komiyama T, Rothermel M. Neuromodulation in Chemosensory Pathways. Chem Senses. (2017); 42(5):375-379.; PMID: 28379355.



Brunert D, Tsuno Y, Rothermel M, Shipley MT, Wachowiak M. Cell-Type-Specific Modulation of Sensory Responses in Olfactory Bulb Circuits by Serotonergic Projections from the Raphe Nuclei. J Neurosci. (2016);36(25):6820-35.; PMID: 27335411

Strauch M, Rothermel M, Wachowiak M, Merhof D. (2016). Smoothness-Constrained Convex Cone Analysis for Signal Extraction from Calcium Imaging Movies. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2016) Conference Paper, 978-1-4799-2349-6/16.



Liu S, Shao Z, Puche A, Wachowiak M, Rothermel M, Shipley MT. Muscarinic receptors modulate dendrodendritic inhibitory synapses to sculpt glomerular output. J Neurosci. (2015); 35(14):5680-92.; PMID: 25855181



Gee JM, Smith NA, Fernandez FR, Economo MN, Brunert D, Rothermel M, Morris SC, Talbot A, Palumbos S, Ichida J, Shepherd JD, West PJ, Wachowiak M, Capecchi MR, Wilcox KS, White JA, Tvrdik P. Imaging activity in neurons and glia with a Polr2a-based and cre-dependent GCaMP5G-IRES-tdTomato reporter mouse. Neuron. (2014); 83(5):1058-72.; PMID: 25155958

Rothermel M, Wachowiak M. Functional imaging of cortical feedback projections to the olfactory bulb. Front Neural Circuits. (2014); 8:73.; PMID: 25071454

Rothermel M, Carey RM, Puche A, Shipley MT, Wachowiak M. Cholinergic inputs from Basal forebrain add an excitatory bias to odor coding in the olfactory bulb. J Neurosci. (2014); 34(13):4654-64.; PMID: 24672011

Sondersorg AC, Busse D, Kyereme J, Rothermel M, Neufang G, Gisselmann G, Hatt H, Conrad H. Chemosensory information processing between keratinocytes and trigeminal neurons. J Biol Chem. (2014); 289(25):17529-40.; PMID: 24790106



Wachowiak M, Economo MN, Díaz-Quesada M, Brunert D, Wesson DW, White J, Rothermel M. Optical dissection of odor information processing in vivo using GCaMPs expressed in specified cell types of the olfactory bulb. J Neurosci. (2013); 33(12):5285-300.; PMID: 23516293

Rothermel M, Brunert D, Zabawa C, Díaz-Quesada M, Wachowiak M. Transgene expression in target-defined neuron populations mediated by retrograde infection with adeno-associated viral vectors. J Neurosci. (2013); 33(38):15195-206.; PMID: 24048849

Rubelowski JM, Menge M, Distler C, Rothermel M, Hoffmann KP. Connections of the superior colliculus to shoulder muscles of the rat: a dual tracing study. Front Neuroanat. (2013); 7:17.; PMID: 23760726

Lübbert M, Kyereme J, Rothermel M, Wetzel CH, Hoffmann KP, Hatt H. In vivo monitoring of chemically evoked activity patterns in the rat trigeminal ganglion. Front Syst Neurosci. (2013); 7:64.; PMID: 24115922



Rothermel M, Ng BS, Grabska-Barwińska A, Hatt H, Jancke D. Nasal chemosensory-stimulation evoked activity patterns in the rat trigeminal ganglion visualized by in vivo voltagesensitive dye imaging. PLoS One. (2011); 6(10):e26158.; PMID: 22039441



Rothermel M, Brunert D, Klupp BG, Luebbert M, Mettenleiter TC, Hatt H. Advanced tracing tools: functional neuronal expression of virally encoded fluorescent calcium indicator proteins. J Neurovirol. (2009);15(5-6):458-64.; PMID: 20105103



Rothermel M, Schöbel N, Damann N, Klupp BG, Mettenleiter TC, Hatt H, Wetzel CH. Anterograde transsynaptic tracing in the murine somatosensory system using Pseudorabies virus (PrV): a "live-cell"-tracing tool for analysis of identified neurons in vitro. J Neurovirol. (2007); 13(6):579-85.; PMID: 18097889



Damann N, Rothermel M, Klupp BG, Mettenleiter TC, Hatt H, Wetzel CH. Chemosensory properties of murine nasal and cutaneous trigeminal neurons identified by viral tracing. BMC Neurosci. (2006); 7:46.; PMID: 16762059

Damann N, Klopfleisch R, Rothermel M, Doerner JF, Mettenleiter TC, Hatt H, Wetzel CH. Neuronal pathways of viral invasion in mice after intranasal inoculation of pseudorabies virus PrV-9112C2 expressing bovine herpesvirus 1 glycoprotein B. J Neurovirol. (2006); 12(1):60-4.; PMID: 16595375



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